Online Application for Enrolment

Enolment Form 1

Personal Details

Notice: If Yes, please consult an OnRoad OffRoad Staff Member before proceeding with this enrolment.

Unique Student Identifier

From 1 January 2015, students undertaking nationally recognised training may need to provide their USI to their registered training provider before they can receive their training records and results. You will continue to use your USI for any future nationally recognised training you undertake. Your USI links to an online account that contains all your training records and results that you have completed from 1 January 2015 onwards

You can get one of these by selecting the button below.

Contact Details

Other Contact Details

Home Address

Next of kin

Country of Birth

Indigenous Status

Language and Literacy


Employment Status

Disability Status

Do you suffer from any physical / mental disability that may affect your participation in the course?

If selected.

Select Courses

Heavy Vehicle Course Details

Students must be at least 18 years old to obtain this licence.

Assessment activities must all be conducted whilst communicating in English, and interpreters are not allowed to be used. Students require a reasonable command of English and basic numeracy skills to complete the government-mandated assessment tool for this course. Only minor adjustments for personal or workplace reasons are allowed.

Hearing impaired persons may use sign language to communicate via an interpreter (only when approved by the Regulator).

The course may involve some manual handling, climbing, lifting, carrying and height work. It must be clearly understood that some disabilities may preclude a student from participating safely, and this may restrict entry to the course.

You will require 3 forms of ID on the day of the course.


Driving Experience

Please upload a copy of the following

A copy of your confirmation for passing the test at Service Tas.

A copy of your learners licence, if applicable.

File Upload
Maximum upload size: 15MB

Training in our vehicle or your own?

Training in our vehicle or your own? *

Using Your Vehicle Requirements

Your vehicle must be Registered and Roadworthy.

I have read the course information and my vehicle is suitable for the course I am applying for *
Vehicle Registration and Insurance
Maximum upload size: 10MB

Roadworthy and inspection checklist

Must be roadworthy *
Must be registered *
Must have a current registration plates, front and rear. (Conditional and federal interstate registration not acceptable) *
Must meet the Heavy Vehicle requirements for each class (Refer to using your vehicle requirements for the relevant class) *
Must be clean and tidy, i.e. no loose articles in vehicle. E.g. If cabin severely smells of smoke, trainer may refuse training in the vehicle. *
Must be comprehensively insured (evidence must be supplied) *
Must have working windscreen demisters *
Must have a windscreen that is in good condition in the area swept by the windscreen wiper path, (i.e. must not be cracked, scored or badly chipped or otherwise defective so as to obscure the drivers or testing officers vision) *
Must have doors that open from the inside and the outside *
Must have effective brake lights *
Must have effective head and tail lights *
Must have effective front and rear indicator lights *
Must have front seat belts that are in good condition *
Must have effective windscreen wipers *
Must have front seats that are securely affixed *
External rear view mirrors must not be defective where it would obscure the drivers vision *
Must have effective reverse lights *
Must have an effective horn *
Check age and licence requirements, eg. Heavy Vehicle Learner Licence *
Must have L plates visibly and securely located at the front and rear of the vehicle *
All tyres to be fitted to the vehicle must not show a smooth tread pattern that runs continuously across at least 75% of the tyre width that normally comes in contact with the road, or the whole circumference of the tyre *
Roadworthy and inspection checklist *

List at least ONE form of ID

High-Risk licences require at least THREE forms of ID.

Maximum upload size: 5MB

Please upload the front and back of your ID. If you're having problems uploading your files, please skip this step and email your ID to

I have made my own enquiries and believe that this training course is suitable for my personal and career purposes. I consider that, based on my educational attainment, capabilities, aspirations and interests, this training is appropriate for me.
Standard 5
Standard 1.12 3.5

What does RPL mean?

Recognition of Prior Learning, The AQF facilitates the progression of students through qualifications by giving credit for learning outcomes they already have achieved. Credit outcomes may allow for entry into a qualification and/or provide credit towards the qualification. Credit given may reduce the time required for a student to achieve the qualification.

What does RCC mean?

Recognition of Current Competency allows you to gain credit for skills and knowledge you already have. If you have already worked in the field and know some (or all) of the content of the unit, RCC is a way of gaining credit for this learning or experience and may reduce the amount of time spent studying.

Quality Assurance of Training

Standard 5

I understand that I am enrolling in a AQF qualification course, and that I may be contacted by the Training Organisation or Regulator to discuss my training program

I agree that the assessments I complete are entirely my own work

I agree to OnRoad OffRoad Training Terms and Conditions and relevant Policy's and Procedures

OnRoad OffRoad Training have given me a student handbook or I have access to one?

Click here to view Student Handbook

Training on an OnRoad OffRoad Site (Safety Induction)

Payment of fees

Fees are required to be paid prior to the commencement of courses. A deposit of 50% of the course fee is
payable on enrolment and the balance prior to commencement of the course.

If it has been indicated that a third party will pay, and no payment is received, the student will be responsible for payment.

Work and rest requirements

In addition to the general duty to not drive a fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle on a road while fatigued, drivers must comply with certain maximum work and minimum rest limits. 

Parties in the supply chain have to take all reasonable steps to prevent the drivers from exceeding these limits. This is similar to occupational health and safety laws and means that drivers must be allowed to stop if they are at risk of exceeding the limits and make alternative arrangements.

The Heavy Vehicle National Law sets three work and rest options, Standard hours, Basic fatigue management (BFM) and Advanced fatigue management (AFM) 

Standard hours are the work and rest hours allowed in the HVNL. They are the maximum amount of work and minimum amount of rest possible that can be performed safely without additional safety countermeasures.

(BFM) Those operating under NHVAS with Basic Fatigue Management (BFM) accreditation can operate under more flexible work and rest hours, allowing for (among other things) work of up to 14 hours in a 24-hour period.

(AFM) Rather than setting work and rest hours, AFM offers the flexibility to propose your own hours as long as the fatigue risks of those hours are offset by sleep, rest and other management practices in a compliant fatigue management system

Onroad Offroad Training P/L operates under standard hours work/rest requirements  please leading up to and or prior to the date of your training course/courses or training package you must adhere to these work hours under the  Heavy Vehicle National Law  listed below is a table from the NHVR website with the work and rest hour requirements under standard hours


Standard hours

Work and rest hour requirements under standard hours. Standard hours apply to all drivers who do not have accreditation for fatigue management.

Solo drivers




In any period of…

A driver must not work for more than a maximum of

And must have the rest of that period off work with
at least a minimum rest
break of…

5 ½ hours

5 ¼ hours work time

15 continuous minutes rest time

8 hours

7 ½ hours work time

30 minutes rest time in blocks of 15 continuous

11 hours

10 hours work time

60 minutes rest time in blocks of 15 continuous

24 hours

12 hours work time

7 continuous hours stationary rest time*

7 days

72 hours work time

24 continuous hours stationary rest time

14 days

144 hours work time

2 x night rest breaks# and 2 x night
rest breaks taken on consecutive day

*Stationary rest time is the time a driver spends out of a heavy vehicle or in an approved sleeper berth of a stationary heavy vehicle. #Night rest breaks are 7 continuous hours stationary rest time taken between the hours of 10pm on a day and 8am on the next day (using the time zone of the base of the driver) or a 24 continuous hours stationary rest break.

Complaints and Appeals

Please read our Complaints and Appeals Policy by clicking the link below.

Complaints and Appeals Policy

Complaints and Appeals Policy - Agree *

Terms and Conditions

Please read our Terms and Conditions by clicking the link below.

Terms and Conditions

Terms and Conditions - Agree *


I declare that I have answered all questions truthfully to the best of my knowledge. I understand that these details are confidential and are protected by relevant privacy laws. I give my consent to OnRoad OffRoad Training to release my name, date of birth, contact details and statistical information to the relevant State and Federal Government bodies for the purpose of auditing, regulation of training, obtaining feedback and as statistical information.

We will hold enrolments for 30 days, if we do not hear from you within this period your enrolment will be cancelled. Your invoice will be deleted. If they wish to proceed with the training you will need to rebook

If the form will not submit, your attachments may be too large.