Purpose and Procedure
The Complaints and Appeals Process applies to all participants training at the organisation. For example, this includes complaints of harassment/discrimination and unfair treatment regarding conditions in training situations by the trainers, assessors, other staff, assessment outcome and/or work situations. This also includes complaints made by supervisors in off-site training situations (where applicable) regarding unacceptable performance and/or inappropriate behaviour.
- The organisation will adopt the principles of natural justice and procedural fairness by informing those involved of the allegations; provide those involved with an opportunity to present their side of the matter and operate in a fair and unbiased way.
- All individuals have equal access to Complaints and Appeals processes and are entitled to fair and consistent treatment and confidentiality will be respected,
- Complaints are received in a positive manner, and the individual raising the grievance can expect to be taken seriously
- The organisation has a responsibility to protect an individual who raises a grievance in good faith including victimisation or unfair treatment
- Parties are encouraged to resolve complaints/appeals at their source or at the lowest level of management/intervention necessary with emphasis on conciliation
- Complaints are to be dealt with promptly and the individual will be informed if the matter will take more than 60 calendar days to finalise. Individuals will be kept informed on a regular basis.
- While the informal resolution of a grievance is the preferred option, it may not always be successful or practical,
- Where a complaint or an appeal cannot be resolved the Organisation will bring in an independent third party. For example, individuals or an appropriate organisation such as ACCC.
Submitting a Corrective Action form
- An individual completes Corrective Action form.
- Management acknowledges in writing the complaints/appeal received within seven (7) days
- Form is considered by management
- The complainant/appellant will be regularly updated, in writing, of the status on the complaint/appeal
- Issue and outcome/action must be documented on the form
- Outcome resolved and individual informed
- Individual has right of appeal
- External action is accessed, if required
The organisation will:
- Maintain all complaints/appeals documentation by completing the corrective action register.
- Provide corrective action to eliminate or mitigate the likehood of reoccurrence of all complaints/appeals after investigated and identification of causes.