Heavy Vehicle Course Details
I have made my own enquiries and believe that this training course is suitable for my personal and career purposes. I consider that, based on my educational attainment, capabilities, aspirations and interests, this training is appropriate for me.
Training on an OnRoad OffRoad Site (Safety Induction)
Work and rest requirements
In addition to the general duty to not drive a fatigue-regulated heavy vehicle on a road while fatigued, drivers must comply with certain maximum work and minimum rest limits.
Parties in the supply chain have to take all reasonable steps to prevent the drivers from exceeding these limits. This is similar to occupational health and safety laws and means that drivers must be allowed to stop if they are at risk of exceeding the limits and make alternative arrangements.
The Heavy Vehicle National Law sets three work and rest options, Standard hours, Basic fatigue management (BFM) and Advanced fatigue management (AFM)
Standard hours are the work and rest hours allowed in the HVNL. They are the maximum amount of work and minimum amount of rest possible that can be performed safely without additional safety countermeasures.
(BFM) Those operating under NHVAS with Basic Fatigue Management (BFM) accreditation can operate under more flexible work and rest hours, allowing for (among other things) work of up to 14 hours in a 24-hour period.
(AFM) Rather than setting work and rest hours, AFM offers the flexibility to propose your own hours as long as the fatigue risks of those hours are offset by sleep, rest and other management practices in a compliant fatigue management system
Onroad Offroad Training P/L operates under standard hours work/rest requirements please leading up to and or prior to the date of your training course/courses or training package you must adhere to these work hours under the Heavy Vehicle National Law listed below is a table from the NHVR website with the work and rest hour requirements under standard hours
Standard hours
Work and rest hour requirements under standard hours. Standard hours apply to all drivers who do not have accreditation for fatigue management.
Solo drivers
In any period of…
A driver must not work for more than a maximum of…
And must have the rest of that period off work with
at least a minimum rest
break of…
5 ½ hours
5 ¼ hours work time
15 continuous minutes rest time
8 hours
7 ½ hours work time
30 minutes rest time in blocks of 15 continuous
11 hours
10 hours work time
60 minutes rest time in blocks of 15 continuous
24 hours
12 hours work time
7 continuous hours stationary rest time*
7 days
72 hours work time
24 continuous hours stationary rest time
14 days
144 hours work time
2 x night rest breaks# and 2 x night
rest breaks taken on consecutive day
*Stationary rest time is the time a driver spends out of a heavy vehicle or in an approved sleeper berth of a stationary heavy vehicle. #Night rest breaks are 7 continuous hours stationary rest time taken between the hours of 10pm on a day and 8am on the next day (using the time zone of the base of the driver) or a 24 continuous hours stationary rest break.